Data Storage and Backup


Data Storage and Backup

What would be the cost to your business if you lost your critical data?

Your business data is the lifeblood of your company and the amount you are collecting and storing is growing all the time. Imagine the impact if you lost a day’s data, a week’s data, or a year’s data due to inadequate or infrequent backup processes?

Threats and risks have become an increasing part of operating today. These risks, such as malware, ransomware or even user error and hardware failures can bring progress to a halt — leading to devastating downtime costs that can have a critical impact on your business.

Orbital10 will keep your business protected from everything — from human error, hardware failure and more — and have you up and restored in minutes.

Next generation cloud antivirus

Continuous data protection.


Delivering resilience with strong and secure backup and recovery.

Designing, managing and administering in-house backup and data recovery is an ever-evolving challenge. New business demands, the multitude of content sources and different data formats add to the growing complexity of backup and recovery for businesses.

Orbital10 will manage all this for you so you can concentrate on managing and growing your business.

Replacing the floppy, flashy and hard... backup devices!

Protect your data, protect your business.


Delivering data protection in real-time.

Orbital10 protects your data in real-time and saves your business from downtime and loss. We utilise leading technology and processes via a cloud-based solution to safeguard your data.

  • Storing and protecting your backup data
  • Monitoring and managing your backups
  • Enabling a rapid and effective data recovery
  • Reliable, monitored and managed backups
  • Employees won’t lose their work in progress
  • Backups secured against malware
  • Effective compliance reporting
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